Leading edge portfolio management

Modern tools to build portfolios and manage client investments, all in one place.

Manage your model portfolio & trading

Create model portfolios, draft investment policy statements, and automate rebalancing. An interconnected portfolio management system that enables you to be as bespoke or as automated as your business needs.

Automate daily operations

Move beyond spreadsheets and take advantage of digitalization by reducing redundancies. The platform enables you to manage thousands of clients and automatically optimize their allocation.

Multi-product management

From single securities, to funds, to illiquid products: manage and configure your entire product shelf in one place.

Features to manage your
portfolios and trading

Construct model portfolios

Design portfolios for Unified Managed Accounts (UMAs) and Separately Management Accounts (SMAs). Simply manage the portfolios and set rules on asset classes, drift, fees and target allocation.

Group portfolios by theme. Create and manage Investment Policy Statements (IPS) per model and ensure compliance at each rebalance.

Automated rebalancing

Maximize operational efficiency and minimize back office functions with automated rebalancing. Set your rules (including drift and Tax-Loss Harvesting), access your client positions and rebalance at scale in just a few clicks, through direct broker integrations.

Automated reconciliation

Save time and reduce headaches by automatically matching clean trades and enabling staff to focus on resolving exceptions.

Interested in learning more?

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